无尽的任务2中文 维基

来源:http://eq2.wikia.com 翻译:unr-Afiokic 似乎以前的翻译是“阿瑞塞仙灵”,但是既然善良阵营那边有了“仙灵”,这边我就用“妖灵”做翻译了。

We are creatures of pure magic.Flesh is weak,but magic will never fail.——Mistress Densei of the Arasai 我们是纯粹的魔法造物。肉体是无力的,但是魔法永不衰败。——妖灵的女主人Densei The malicious children of hate and dark magic,Arasai take pure pleasure and honor their goddess through defiling and torturing the inferior races across Norrath. 在憎恶和黑魔法中诞生的恶毒的孩子,妖灵通过亵渎和折磨诺拉斯的下等种族来获得纯粹的欢愉,并为他们的女神带来荣光。 

The Arasai are a twisted and malicious evil version of the Fae. They were corrupted by Dark Elf Queen Cristanos through torture and dark magic after the theft of spirit blossoms which allow Fae to be reborn. This is very similar to Innoruuk's original corruption of Tunare's previous creations resulting in their own state. The Arasai treat Queen Cristanos as though she were a goddess. They take great pleasure in defiling and torturing the lesser races of Norrath. 


An ingame book written by Teir'dal details the story. This book also grants the Unseelie Form to Arasai who pick it up. 


Racial Information种族信息

Arasai Male  Arasai Female 

Starting Cities起始城市 Gorowyn Neriak  Alignment阵营 Evil邪恶  Language语言 Thexian  Starting Attributes 开始属性  STR 力量10 INT智力25 STA体力10 WIS智慧25 AGI敏捷30 

Recommendations建议  Classes冒险职业 Scout,斥候 Mage法师  Professions生产 Jeweler珠宝匠, Woodworker木工, Transmuter  Arasai Traditions 妖灵传统Choose one of these every 10th level up to 90.每10级增加一个一直到90级

Attribute 特性: Agile Movements :Grants a level-dependent increase to AGI 随着等级发展,增加敏捷 Passive 被动  Arasai Savvy : Grants a level-dependent increase to INT 随着等级发展,增加智力 Passive 被动 

Combat 战斗: Tiny Stings :Increases Piercing and Ranged by 5.0. 

增加刺穿和范围 5.0 Passive 被动  Swift Swings: Increases Double Attack by 2.0% 增加二次攻击 2.0%. Passive 被动  :、Rooted Mind :Increases Disruption and Subjugation by 5.0. 

增加 破坏 和 镇压 5.0 Passive 被动  Quick Banishing :Increases casting speed of hostile spells by 2.0% 

增加对敌法术的施法速度2.0% Passive 被动 

Noncombat 非战斗 : Stealthy Acrobatics : Increases stealth/invisible movement speed by 15.0%. 在潜行、隐形时的移动速度增加15% Passive 被动  Pixie Dust: Increases trigger count of poisons by 25%. 

增加毒药的触发几率25% Passive 被动  Strong Additives : Increases duration of tradeskilled potions by 15%. 

手工制作的药剂持续时间增加15% Passive 被动  Gathering Mana : Increases out-of-combat power regeneration based on level. 根据等级增加非战斗时的能量恢复。 Passive 被动 

Pools 池  Coated Wings: Increases your mana pool by 1.0% and health pool by 2.0%. 增加 1% 法力池和2% 生命力池。 Passive 被动  Magic of the Arasai: Increases mana pool by 3.0%. 增加3% 法力池。 Passive 被动 

Resist 抗性  Toxic Protection: Increases noxious mitigation based on level. 根据等级增加对毒性伤害的减轻。 Passive 被动  Elemental Fortitude: Increases elemental mitigation based on level. 根据等级增加对元素伤害的减轻。 Passive 被动 

Tradeskill 交易技能  Ingenious Trades:Increases success chance by 2.0%. 增加成功几率2% Passive 被动  Crafty Concentrations: Increases progress gain by 2.0%. 增加进程获得 2% Passive 被动  Neriak Precision: Increases Artificing by 5.0 增加艺术(Artistry)5.0 Passive 被动  Transmography:Increases Transmutation by 5.0 .增加Transmutation(转化作用?)5.0 Passive 被动  Intricate Designs :Reduces power cost of all Woodworker reaction arts by 10%. 减少所有木工反应的能量消耗10% Passive 被动  Innate Abilities 天赋能力 :Ultravision紫外视觉:Provides high contrast vision, but washes out color.2 hrs. recast 2 sec. 提供更高对比度的视角,但是将失去颜色。 持续2小时,冷却2秒 Featherfall羽落术 :Reduces maximum falling speed. 减小最大降落速度。 Passive 被动  Wind Walker风行者:Increases in-combat speed by 50%.1.0 sec. casting, 5 min. recast, 36.0 sec duration 

增加战斗内的速度50% 。1.0秒施法,5分钟冷却,36.0秒持续时间 Glide滑翔: Increases jump distance. 增加跳跃距离 Passive 被动
