无尽的任务2中文 维基

鼠人的故事告诉我们,带路党是没有好下场的! 来源:http://eq2.wikia.com  翻译:unr-Afiokic  ————————————————

Me?Don’t mind me.Wasn’t doing anything.No,I didn’t take that.You must be thinking of someone else.Hey,did you hear what that orge was saying about you?---Renny Parvat,Collector of Antiquities

我?别在意,我什么也没做。不,别这样。你最好想想别的什么东西。嘿,你听到那个食人魔再说什么与你有关的话了吗?——Renny Parvat,古代遗物收集者 The ratonga are agile,crafty,and surprisingly charismatic.Little is known of of their past.They are keenly perceptive and highly intelligent,but tend to be selfish and manipulative. 鼠人是敏捷,狡猾,并且出人意料的有魅力的种族。关于他们的过去人们知道的并不多。他们有着敏锐的感知和高度的智慧,但是倾向于利己和操控他人。 

鼠人是聪明的鼠型生物,大约和矮人一样高。鼠人的背景鲜为人知。第一次遭遇这个种族是在战争年代(the Age of War),他们为自由港自卫队引路,并援助他们通过地底隧道前往Desert of Ro;当这座伟大的城市陷入长时间的围攻时,鼠人允许物资和军队转移。在这次偶遇之后,鼠人回到了发现他们的地方,消失在地底深处。从那以后的很长时间,鼠人没有再次出现,直到大量Rending的地震开始将Antonica大陆撕裂成碎片。【Rending意为分裂,因使用大写,我不确定是不是专有名词】谣言显示鼠人是与Dragon Necropolis的Chetari有关的鼠-人部落,鼠人自己似乎支持这种理论。不管怎么说,有件事很快变得清楚了:这些新的到来者的智力和Chetari不在一个重量级上,他们更加聪明。这导致很多人推断,这个种族的起源来自Underfoot 本身,鼠人对这件事不发表任何意见。【联系后文Underfoot 应该是一个位面】

The ratonga often emblazon a symbol on their chest. This symbol is always the same, whatever it may mean. 

鼠人通常用纹章装饰他们的胸部。无论这些纹章有什么含义,它们看起来总是一样。 Recently (Update:60), many of the Ratonga defected from Freeport to Qeynos. Their reasons for doing was not disclosed at the time, but the Ratonga are now considered a Neutral race, rather than Evil.  最近(Update:60),很多鼠人从自由港(Freeport)叛逃至奎诺斯(Qeynos)。他们这样做的原因在当时并未被揭露,但是鼠人现在被认为是中立种族,而不是邪恶种族。 

在Update:64以后,有不少有关鼠人的历史被揭秘,他们是Roekillik的分支,这些恶毒而聪明的鼠型人(Roekillik)自地底诞生。这些鼠人不乐意让自己的人生走上Roekillik的老路,他们从Roekillik的群落中逃走,并向奎诺斯(Qeynos)的避难所发出请求。Circle of Five的避难所拒绝了他们,认为他们是害虫和怪物。鼠人作为斥候为奎诺斯守卫提供援助,作为交换,统治奎诺斯的国王为他们召开听证会。奎诺斯守卫的领导者在接受了鼠人的帮助后,却拒绝给予所他们承诺的听证会。没有别的选择,鼠人转而向Lucan D'Lere 和 Freeport 求助。只要鼠人给予援助,就允许他们成为城市的一部分。尽管很多鼠人在自由港过得很愉快,但仍然有一些渴望自由的人生。最终,他们投奔了奎诺斯,奎诺斯现在的统治者Antonia Bayle 允许他们进入避难所。

Most ratonga players probably do not know anything about their race's backstory as there has not been much to know, besides that they are often devious and deceptive as individuals. 

大多数鼠人玩家对他们的种族背景一无所知,因为也没什么可让他们知道的,除了鼠人作为个体通常猥琐而虚伪。 Apparently most ratonga and all roekillik (ratpeople) are devoted to a mad god named Caertex, who is extremely powerful and intelligent but unable to block out the thoughts of nearby minds, which apparently bother him greatly. It is said he dwells deep in the plane of Underfoot in the "Endless Tunnels" from which nobody has ever returned.  很显然,大部分鼠人和roekillik (鼠型人) 将自己奉献给一个叫做Caertex 的疯神,他有着极端的力量和智慧,但是他无法阻止头脑中纷乱的思绪,这些想法严重困扰着他。传说他居住在Endless Tunnels 的位面Underfoot 深处,没有一个人从那里归来。 

There is a book in-game that hints at the current situation of the roekillik. The book details forming an army, uniting the feuding rat races, together with manipulated races, to destroy all surface life. The person who apparently found this book was murdered and had a strange symbol carved into his skin.[1] 

游戏内有一本书暗示了roekillik 现在的情况。这本书的详情是关于如何形成军队,团结所有不和的鼠型种族,和那些被操纵的种族一起,摧毁所有的地表生物。这本书的发现者显然是死于谋杀,他的皮肤上刻有一个奇怪的符号。 Unless the ratonga are defectors, this could mean that the ratonga are part of their larger race of roekillik and are serving as spies and scouts for the coming invasion. The truth of this is not known.  如果鼠人不是背叛者,那就可能意味着他们是roekillik——鼠人的大体型近亲——的一部分,并且作为间谍和斥候为即将到来的入侵提供服务。真相没有人知道。
