无尽的任务2中文 维基

Spells(法术)和(Combat Arts)战斗艺术,一般的法系会以Spell为主,一般的战系会以战斗艺术Combat Arts为主。 原文地址:http://eq2.wikia.com/wiki/Spells_and_Combat_Arts


魔法和战斗艺术[ | ]







Spells and Combat Arts are where you get most of your effectiveness from. They consume power when cast. Melee classes receive Combat Arts, while spellcasting classes receive Spells. (A few "hybrid" classes receive both.)


魔法和战斗艺术对比 Spells vs. Combat Arts 编辑[ | ]

What's the difference between a Spell and a Combat Art? Not much:


  • Spells must be cast while standing still. Your spellcasting may be interrupted when your enemy attacks you; your Focus skill affects your chance of being interrupted when under duress.
  • 法术是需要站定才能释放,角色移动了或者被怪打了,你的施法就可能被打断,提升专注技能可以避免被打断。
  • Combat arts have shorter cast times than spells, and can be cast while on the move. They can only be interrupted by a stun.
  • 战斗艺术通常施法迅速,很多都是可以边跑边释放,只有中了击晕类魔法才会被打断。
  • Most bard spells are considered to be "Songs", and can be cast while on the move just like Combat Arts.
  • 大多诗人的小曲儿,也跟战斗艺术一样,可以边跑唱。

Otherwise, we can talk about Spells and Combat Arts interchangeably. For the rest of this section, we'll just call them "Spells".


法术仓库 - 魔法书 The Knowledge Book 编辑[ | ]

[1]Your spells, combat arts, and crafting skills are found in your Knowledge book. Open it by pressing K. You can browse your spells in here, and sort them in various ways to make finding them easier. When you point at an icon, a tooltip will pop-up with a brief description of the spell. For more details about the spell, right-click on the icon and choose "Examine".

这段不好翻译,Knowledge Book,知识书。就是你已经获得的法术和技能都可以在这里查看。游戏里的快捷键是K,右上角有排序按钮,你可以按照字母顺序排列,然后只显示同一法术的最高级别,鼠标放上去会有法术的简单介绍,右键Examine可以查看全部详细。如施法的目标,距离,施法时间,效果持续,冷却时间等等。

500px-Knowledge sort

法术类型 Types of Spells 编辑[ | ]

There are several types of spells and combat arts that you may have in your Knowledge Book. The background color of the spell's icon tells you its type.

PS.  看来真是学艺不精,确实法术的背景色是有意义的。不同颜色代表不同类型。

Beneficial Spells 增益法术 Attack Spells 攻击法术
  • Self: these icons are yellow, and will only affect you. No need to target yourself.  黄色背景是只对自己有效的,不需要切换目标到选择自己施法。
  • Single-target: these icons are orange, and affect a single friend in your group. The default target is you. 橙色背景的是对队伍里的单个队友生肖的,需要选择目标,默认是自己,不要把给战士的buff加到自己身上了。
  • Group: these icons are purple, and will affect every person that you are grouped with. (Some will affect your entire raid.) 紫色的背景的buff是团队有效,有些甚至对整个Raid有效。
  • Single-target: these icons are red, and affect a single enemy.红色背景的,单体魔法。
  • Encounter: these icons are green, and will affect all enemies that are grouped with your target. They are costly to use against singular enemies. 绿色背景的,针对一队的敌人,也可以用在单个敌人身上。
  • Area-of-effect: these icons are blue, and will affect all creatures around you generally up to a certain number (whether you've engaged them or not). Use with caution! 蓝色背景的,才是传说中的AE,区域范围内群体伤害,不管你是否选中了,小心慎用。

学习魔法 Learning Spells 编辑[ | ]

Each time you gain a level, you learn one or more new spells. Your new spells will enter your Knowledge book automatically each time you level up; there's no need to visit a trainer to learn them. If you have empty slots on a hotkey bar on your screen, then the new spell icons will automatically be added to your hotkey bar as well. Each class learns roughly 20-30 unique spells or abilities in all. Most of them are granted early in your career, but some are introduced at later levels, or are earned by spending Achievement Points.

这里SOE并没有坚持更加接近真实的,反人类游戏规则,要去找你的训练师买书学习魔法。而是,魔法当你达到一定的级别后会自动获得,魔法会自动到你的K目标里面,如果你的快捷栏还有剩余空间,新的魔法会直接添加到快捷栏里。每个职业都有20-30种独特的魔法或者能力可以获得,大多数的魔法,在你年轻时候就可以获得,随着等级提升获得更高级别的版本,通过罗马数字 I II III IV 这样的区别,当然也有一些魔法,比如传说中的大招,需要当你达到一定等级才能获得,有些魔法需要你通过AA技能树获得。

By level 15, you'll notice that some of your new spells are actually higher-level versions of spells that you already had. See the section below onReplacing Spells for more details about this.


施法 Casting Spells 编辑[ | ]

[2]An example hotkey bar.You can cast your spells and arts directly from the Knowledge book, just by clicking on the icons in the book. But it's a much better idea to drag your most useful spells to your Hotbar. That way, you can cast them while your Knowledge book is closed.

这段差不多不用翻译,所有的游戏都一样,你可以通过K面板施法(好个性的玩法...), 或者使用快捷栏,把对应技能拖动到快捷栏就行,快捷栏支持3类快捷键,数字,ALT+数字,CTRL+数字,你也可以通过鼠标点击快捷栏的图标施法。一般人都会开个10来个,不知道有没有上限....你的物品,如药剂,图腾,装备,一样可以放到快捷栏里使用。这边给出了一个快捷栏的样板,左边的箭头上下点击可以切换,下面的数字1到=是键盘上的快捷键。

400px-Hotkey bar
[3] Tip: If you run out of space for your spell icons, you can open more Hotbey Bars by right-clicking on your existing Hotbar and choosing "Open New Hotkey Bar".

You can move your Hotbars anywhere on the screen, and even change their shape, by pressing F10. You can also enlarge or shrink your Hotbars by right-clicking and choosing "Hotbar Settings".

快捷栏能拖动到屏幕上任何地方,你也可以按F10全部隐藏,获得全屏游戏的效果,如果你记忆力够好的话。EQ2的UI十分强大,支持自定义,所以这里你可以右键,Hotbar Settings获得更多的自定义设置。

施法时间 Cast Time 编辑[ | ]

When you click on a spell or combat art icon, it doesn't take effect instantly. Almost all spells have a casting time. Combat arts usually have short cast times, while spells have longer cast times and require you to stand still. While the spell is casting, you'll see a yellow progress bar in the middle of your screen. If a monster interrupts your casting, the progress bar flashes red and the spell begins recasting automatically (up to 3 attempts).


冷却时间 Cooldown Timers 编辑[ | ]

When you cast a spell, you'll notice that there's a cooldown timer on each. The icon goes dark, and slowly fills back up as the timer counts down. If you click an icon before it has refreshed, then the spell will be queued as your next action, and will be cast automatically when the timer expires.


停止施法 Stop Casting 编辑[ | ]

You can stop casting a Spell that is in the process of casting. Either press Escape to cancel the casting, or move a few steps to interrupt your casting. (You can't stop casting a Combat Art in this manner - only Spells can be stopped in mid-cast.)


魔法升级 Improving Spells 编辑[ | ]

[4]This spell has been upgraded to the Expert tier, making it significantly more powerful.EQ2 allows you to improve most of your spells. You do this by finding spell scrolls and scribing them in your Knowledge book. Just as you might find better equipment on your adventures, sometimes you'll find scrolls that teach you a better version of your spells.

  • You receive basic versions of your spells automatically when you gain levels.
  • Each spell has five better versions, which you can find in the world of Norrath.

The most practical way to improve your character's performance in combat is to upgrade your spells.

You can find better versions of spells as loot in monsters' treasure chests, or you can buy spell upgrades from other players through the broker system. An Adept spell is a common upgrade, while a Master spell is a rare and precious upgrade.

The following table shows you where to find improved spell scrolls. The names of the tiers were renamed withLU52; the older names are listed below for historical purposes, and some players may still refer to the older names.


Spell Tier 魔法级别 Former Name 曾用名 How To Obtain 获得办法
Apprentice Apprentice I  Granted automatically when you gain a level 升级默认获得
Journeyman Apprentice IV Created by players using tradeskills 工匠的普通配方
Adept Adept I Dropped by monsters in wooden treasure chests  怪物普通箱子掉落
Expert Adept III Created by players using tradeskills with rare components  工匠的稀有配方
Master Master I Dropped by monsters in exquisite treasure chests, or upgraded from expert level by using "research assistants."  怪物铁箱子掉落
Grandmaster Master II Granted when you choose a mastery spell once every 10 levels  每10级可以选一个,EP5获得1到2个。

Prior to LU52, Apprentice II spells were purchased from merchant NPCs in the cities, Apprentice III spells were crafted by players (this had long been changed to Apprentice IV by LU52, but some still existed), and Adept II spells were sometimes given as quest rewards. These tiers were removed with LU52.

这边介绍了一下熟练II 和 初级II III去哪了.....

[5] Tip:

Free and Silver memberships are limited to using the weaker spell tiers. Free can use up to Adept, while Silver can use up to Expert. Gold members have no limitations to spell tiers. 非会员学习魔法有限制,不能用Master书

举例说明 编辑[ | ]

To illustrate the benefits of upgrading a spell, here is a chart for a healing spell that Templars receive at level 12, called Vital Intercession. The amount of health that's healed by this spell depends on which version you have scribed:

Spell Effects by Spell Rank
Effect Apprentice Journeyman Adept Expert Master Grandmaster
Reactive Heal 34-42 42-51 45-55 53-65 60-74 62-76

Gray cells correspond to unavailable ranks of the spell. Effect values for this spell are modified by the player's Wisdom. 上面给你形象的例子说明了各种级别魔法的差别。可以看到最初的简单,到最后的大师II,质量量差不多翻了一倍。

All Templars get the Apprentice version of this spell automatically at level 12, but they can use the better versions at level 12 too - they just have to find an improved spell scroll and scribe it in their Knowledge book. The effort is in finding the right spell scroll.

去哪找升级卷轴 Finding Spell Upgrades 编辑[ | ]

  • Tip: Your best place to find spell upgrades tends to be the Broker, as other players will have found spells for your class, and want to sell them to you. You'll get meaningful upgrades at a reasonable price by buying Journeyman and Adept spells.
  • Tip: Other players with the right tradeskills can make spells for you. Any Artisan can make low level spell-teaching items; tier 2 (level 10-19) items can be made by Scholars; and at tier 3 and beyond, Sages craft spells (scrolls) for mages and priests, Alchemists create spells (essences) for fighters, and Jewelers make spells (runes) for scouts.
  • 当然就是拍卖,自己副本打就考验你的人品了。

大师II级魔法 Spell Mastery编辑[ | ]

Once every 10 levels, you are given an opportunity to choose mastery in a single spell. You're given a choice of four spells that you obtained in recent levels. The spell that you choose will be upgraded to Grandmaster tier, making it one of your most powerful spells. Because it becomes so powerful, you should choose mastery in a spell that you'll use frequently and that matches your playstyle.

每10级,你可以从4个魔法里选择一个升级成大师II ( Grandmaster ),肯定要选最常用,最屌的魔法了。

Grandmaster is a special rank, which is only granted to a few spells. The four choices presented to you are different each time you choose a mastery spell (once per 10 levels). Referring to our previous example, the Vital Intercession spell is offered as a mastery choice to Templars at level 14, so the Grandmaster tier of this spell is shown as being available in the spell's table.


自己研究魔法  Researching Spells 编辑[ | ]

Research is used to upgrade a spell or combat art from journeyman to adept or from expert to master. You can find this in your knowledge tab. You can select one spell or combat art at a time to be researched, at low levels this can take a couple of hours, and at higher levels it can take up to a month to get a spell or combat art to master using research.

If you change what you are researching you'll be refunded one third of the days you've been working on the spell. So if you have been working 10 days on a spell you'll get 3 days back (it's rounded down) to apply to the next thing you want to research whether you are part way through the research or all finished.




法术进阶  Replacing Spells编辑[ | ]

[6]This level 71 spell replaces all earlier versions of the same spell granted at lower levels, even if the earlier versions had been upgraded.Most spells are replaced every 10-15 levels by new spells that have a similar name. (For example, Kick will be replaced by Kick II.) When you receive a replacement spell, you'll almost always want to stop using the old one even if you upgraded it, because the replacement spell is almost always better.

大多数法术10-15级以后会获得更高的法术版本,用罗马数字表示,比方 Kick 就变成 Kick II。


In your Knowledge Book, you can sort your spells by Type; this will group related spells so you can see which ones replace others.


Example 编辑[ | ]

Continuing the example of the Templar spell shown earlier, a replacement for this spell is granted at level 19 (called Vital Intercession II), which makes the Vital Intercession spell obsolete. If you're a Templar, you'll want to switch to the Apprentice version of Vital Intercession II at level 19, regardless of whether you earned better versions of Vital Intercession before level 19.

Buffs  编辑[ | ]

Buffs are beneficial spells that are persistent: they stay active when you cross zones and even when you log out. Almost all buffs in EQ2 last forever, and don't need to be recast until you die. Almost all buffs require you to group with a friend in order to share them. Buffs are shown in two windows on your game screen:

Buff 是一些增益类的长效法术,一般是长久有效,有些死了也不用重新挂,直到你取消。组队之后你的队友会自动获得你的buff。这边,我的发现是有些抽蓝的怪,把你蓝抽干,你要重新挂BUFF。所以有些BUFF当你蓝不够时候,会失效。

  • Maintained Spells Window: These are buffs that are produced by you.
  • 默认的左边,显示你提供的BUFF
  • Spell Effects Window: These are all effects that currently reside on your character, in a sorted list. Every buff in the Maintained Spells Window is also listed here.
  • 右边显示你身上正在生效的buff。

战斗姿态  Stances编辑[ | ]

Melee classes receive special buffs called Stances. You should always have a Stance active if you're one of these classes - so make sure you select one. You'll get to choose between an Offensive Stance or a Defensive Stance, but only one of them can be active at a time. Once activated, your Stance stays active until you change it (or die).


Buff槽位 编辑[ | ]

[7]This character has used 3 of his Concentration slots.There's a limit to how many buffs you can maintain. You have 5 Concentration slots; these are the five bars shown below your character's name on the game screen. Melee classes generally don't run out of Concentration slots, but priests and magicians can run out. Concentration Slots force you to choose which buffs are most important to you and your group. Generally, the choice is between buffing yourself or buffing your friends; you probably won't run out when you're alone and only buffing yourself.


英雄机遇 Heroic Opportunities 编辑[ | ]

[8]A Heroic Opportunity wheel.:Main Article: Heroic Opportunities Heroic Opportunities are combinations of spells that produce a bonus effect during combat. The bonus effect can be a buff on yourself, or a harmful effect on your enemies.

  • You gain the ability to perform Heroic Opportunities at level 5, when you receive your Starter Ability: Lucky Break for Scout classes, Fighting Chance for Fighter classes, Arcane Augur for Mage classes and Divine Providence for Priest classes. You can use this Starter Ability anytime after combat has begun.
  • When a Heroic Opportunity is in progress, your spell icons will flash to indicate which spells can advance the Heroic Opportunity. Use the flashing spells, and you'll eventually complete the Heroic Opportunity and see a bonus effect.

Heroic Opportunities can make a big difference to your combat performance, even though the bonus effect is random. In general, the less capable your class is at fighting alone, the more significant Heroic Opportunities will be to your combat success. Fighter classes rely least on Heroic Opportunities, while Priest classes rely most on Heroic Opportunities.

For more details on performing Heroic Opportunities, see the Combat Mechanics User Guide.


宠物 Pets 编辑[ | ]

[9]The Pet Window:Main Article: Pets Certain classes get pets that can help you in combat. Your pet must be summoned by casting the appropriate spell. Once it's been summoned, your pet follows you on your adventures, and helps you in combat. The Pet Window appears on your screen, giving you a good view of your pet's Health and Power, and some hotkeys that help you to control your pet. For details on how to control your pet, see the Combat Mechanics guide.

Types of Pets 编辑[ | ]

Among the pet classes, there is some variety as to the types of pets. Let's take a quick survey of them. (This isn't meant to be an exhaustive list, it's just an overview.)

  • Summoner pets: Conjurers and Necromancers summon powerful pets and can control how they behave. As you gain levels, you'll gain more types of pets. Your first pet is the type you'll usually want to solo with - a Warrior pet. The later types of pets (Scout and Mage pets) are preferred when you join other players in a group, as they cannot survive the attention of an enemy for long.
  • Illusionist pets: these pets are controlled by the caster in the same manner as Summoner pets, but the illusionist only gets one type - the pet is an illusionist too, and casts similar spells as the player. The illusionist's pet must be treated with care, as it isn't a Warrior pet, and cannot tank on the illusionist's behalf for long.
  • Coercer pets: the Coercer either charms a monster of his choice, or makes a "virtual copy" of a monster. Either way, the pet is fully controllable, just like a Summoner pet. The type of pet is dictated by the monster that it came from: some monsters are Warriors, others are Mages, etc.
    • A few other classes can learn to charm certain creatures (Furies can learn to Charm Animals, Necromancers can learn to Charm Undead, etc.) and their charmed pets are equivalent to the Coercer pets.
    • A charmed monster continuously tries to resist its servitude. When the charm spell breaks, you get a two-second warning, as your vision briefly flashes yellow. Then you have an angry monster to deal with!
  • Shaman pets: Mystics and Defilers can earn a spirit dog pet through the Achievement system. This pet is unable to take any serious damage, but if the Shaman can keep it alive, the pet will significantly enhance the Shaman's (and his group's) performance. The Shaman pet is fully controllable like a Summoner pet. The pet dog can be dramatically enhanced by purchasing further achievement abilities.
  • 宠物类别,召唤师的宠物,元素或者亡灵。幻象的宠物,自己的影子。幻能得宠物,抓得怪做宠物。萨满的宠物,不攻击,但是提高萨满的属性。

升级你的宠物 Upgrading Your Pet 编辑[ | ]

[10]A conjurer with her petSince your pet is an integral part of your class, getting a better pet is hugely important for your combat performance. Each time you gain a level and receive a new pet spell, your first priority should be to upgrade the pet spell - ahead of any other equipment or spell upgrades.

As a rule of thumb:

  • The Apprentice pet that you receive by default is a poor match for any enemy that you take on, and will force you to select enemies below your level.
  • The Journeyman or Adept version of the same pet is a significant upgrade, and will be a good match for most enemies at your level.
  • The Expert or Master version of the same pet is a powerful upgrade, and will seriously outpower any enemy that you take on.
  • 兽王的宠物可以升级到Glademaster级别,并且可以获得更多的宠物魔法。

For those who charm creatures, upgrading your charm spell will significantly reduce the rate at which the monsters break your charm spell. This may make it feasible for you to charm higher-level creatures, who will perform better on your behalf.

Index of Beginner's Guides
The Basics The Details The Adventure